Load and run program:

Direct Mode

Direct Mode


After switching on, we are greeted by the direct mode interface. If we want to use the device in direct mode, we must first record a new frequency. To do this, click in the first empty row. The first half of the line is responsible for the frequency and the second half for the minute.

If all 10 lines are full, it is possible to scroll with the up and down arrows, so even more frequencies can be added to a program.

Direct Mode Keyboard


The keyboard lets you enter values from 1Hz to 800kHz when entering the frequency. When recording time, you can choose between 1-9 minutes.

You can exit from the keyboard by clicking the OK button or outside the keyboard.

Direct Mode Running Programs


The program can be started with the START button in the lower right corner. After that, it frames the currently running line in red. The device automatically skips the lines filled in incorrectly. On the left side of the screen, the device shows the remaining and elapsed time of the current program.

The program can be paused and continued by pressing the PAUSE button. The program stops by pressing the START button again and after the Remaining Time has elapsed then the plasma turns off.

Program Mode

Program Mode


The interface of Program Mode is similar to Direct Mode, but there are some changes. Lines for recording frequency and time here are divided into 1/3rds. Start, end frequency and time.

There are 2 new icons on the lower right side of the screen. The first "X" is used to quickly delete the entered lines. The open folder is used to open the database. During a running program, the device only responds to the PAUSE and START buttons.

Program Mode Database


We can easily select pre-recorded programs from the database. We can navigate with the up and down arrows, and we can also use the search engine. The selected program gets a red frame here as well as in the running program.

You can exit the database menu with the arrow pointing to the left next to the magnifying glass.

Program Mode Database Keyboard


The keyboard can be brought up by clicking on the magnifying glass or the text box above it.

The search engine currently only displays one page, so it is worth further narrowing down the results if necessary.